Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Relate theater to your major or minor

How Theater Relates To My Major

I feel theater can be related to every major in some way. My major is elementary education and theater can definitely be related to it. One way that theater relates to my major of elementary education is that as an elementary teacher, I will be performing for my student’s everyday in the classroom and the students will be the audience. The audience is the most important part of the theater and so are the students of a classroom. Another way that theater relates to my major is because now that I have a better understanding of theater I can have my students perform as well and I will be able to guide them correctly. One more way that theater relates to my major is that I will dress and talk to fit the part of being a teacher. Therefore, theater can be related to my major in many ways.

To begin, theater can be described as a place that people gather to watch a performer. This is exactly what my classroom will be like. The students will gather in the classroom as my audience and I will be the teacher that performs in front of the students. I will not necessarily perform a play or a musical, but rather educational techniques. As an elementary teacher I will be performing how to write correct sentences and how to solve math problems as well as many other things. As a teacher, I will be the main character of the performance and the students will be the audience. If a student would participate, they would be a sub character in the performance. One thing that I learned from taking this theater class is that the audience is the most important part of theater. This is because the audience is supposed to gain something from it. This is the same with students and teachers. The students are the most important part for a teacher. Students are the ones that need to learn and get something out of what the teacher is teaching. Therefore, theater relates to my major very well because as a teacher I will be performing and my students will be my audience.

To continue, theater can be a learning experience for everyone. I can use my knowledge of theater and help my students to better understand it. As a teacher, I can have my students act out plays or create little skits and act them out. With my knowledge of theater, I will be able to teach them properly how to do that. They will get to experience theater because they will get to perform in front of an audience. Having the students act out the plays will allow them to learn while having fun. It will also make it easier for the students to learn and understand because it will be acted out and they can see what it happening instead of just reading about it. Therefore, theater relates to my major because I can use my knowledge of theater to incorporate it into my classroom and help my students better understand theater by having them participate in theater based activities.

Continuing, theater includes actors that dress and talk according to the part they are playing. This is exactly what I will do as a teacher. I will dress professionally to play the part of being a teacher. I will also talk professionally and so that the students can understand me because that also goes along with the part of being a teacher. By dressing and talking like a teacher, it will let my students know that I am in charge and will be their educator for the class. Therefore, theater can be related to my major because I will dress and talk to fit the part of being a teacher just like actors do.

To conclude, theater can be related to my major in many ways. Theater is such an involved art that it can be related to almost every major. Theater can be related to my major of elementary education because as a teacher, I will be the performer in the classroom and the students will be the audience. I will also be able to incorporate my knowledge of theater into my classroom to help my students better understand theater. Also, I will dress and talk to fit the part of being a teacher just like actors do for a play. Therefore, theater can be related to my major in many ways and theater was a learning experience for me and it will be a learning experience for my students as well.

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